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The Menstrual Cycle: How to Support your Body

It is essential for every woman to understand her body; this will allow you to better care for it. The first step is to use functional nutrition and systems medicine, such as supplements, to achieve optimal hormone health. During menstrual cycles, women’s bodies require more attention and support, which women can provide in a variety of ways that we will discuss in this article. However, before we get into the crucial steps you must take to support your body during your cycles, we must first understand what happens in our bodies during menstrual cycles. 

What happens during your cycles 

Menstrual cycles typically last three to seven days, with the first day marking the start of your 28 days cycle, which is the number of days between the beginning of one period and the beginning of the next known as the reproduction cycle. 

During menstrual cycles, estrogen, a very important hormone in a woman’s body, responsible for a number of functions in the reproductive system such as building up your uterine lining, and progesterone, which stabilizes the uterine lining so it doesn’t just start bleeding before it should, are at their lowest levels. Thus your uterus sheds its lining through your vagina, requiring you to absorb it with a tampon or sanitary pad.

As your cycle begins, the pituitary gland in your brain increases its production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This causes your ovaries’ follicles, each of which contains an egg, to begin preparing for possible fertilization. As your period progresses, your ovaries begin to produce more estrogen, which prompts the formation of a new uterine lining. Beginning the process all over again. So, even if you still dealing with tampoons and techniques of easing period pain, your body is already creating ways of making you pregnant next month! 

Because the left and right sides of your brain communicate so much during this time, medical professionals recommend that you use this time to integrate how you feel about situations in your life and make decisions about how to proceed. It’s also a good time to reflect and journal. 

How to support your body during your menstrual cycles 

Proper Dietary Intake 

Since a woman’s hormones are not in harmony during this period, eating particular foods can help prevent menstruation problems such as period cramps, mood swings and PMS. Eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet during this time will balance your hormones and optimize your energy. Eating unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods that nourish the body, and boost energy levels will make a significant difference. 

Root vegetables, wholegrain and legume-packed stews are good to eat so as to restore energy levels. Since a lot of iron is lost during the bleeding, you should eat a lot of iron-rich foods such as lentils, kelp, pumpkin seeds, dried prunes and spinach and, if you eat animal products, grass-fed beef, eggs and fish are also a good source of heme iron. Veggies such as kidney beans, wakame, mushrooms, water chestnuts, and watermelon can be very therapeutic. 

Exercise during and before menstrual cycles

Since your hormone levels are at their lowest, it is important to do relaxed workouts as well. Exercises that require a lot of energy should be avoided. However, completely avoiding workouts is not a good idea because some workout positions can actually help to alleviate some menstrual problems, such as period cramps. During this time, gentle walking and yoga are highly recommended. Other recommended exercises include pilates, light lifting, and dancing. These exercises will keep your body active but relaxed, which will help with period pains and fatigue. 

Take Supplements 

Supplements are vital. Women should take key micronutrient supplements, particularly during their menstrual cycle. It is critical to take iron, vitamin B, and vitamin C supplements to promote blood cell production in order to avoid period-blood loss problems. Other important supplements to take include hormone balancing supplements such as the one we offer, the KIKO vital hormone balancing pill. succession plan

Drink a lot of water

Women’s bodies tend to become dehydrated during this time because of the bleeding. This is mostly true for those who experience heavy bleeding. Low estrogen and progesterone levels can cause bloating and cramping during menstruation. Drinking plenty of water, like 8-10 glasses per day during your period, will help your body stay hydrated. This will also help to relieve the bloating and cramping pains associated with menstruation. A glass of hot water once or twice a day is also recommended because it increases blood flow throughout your body and relaxes your muscles, easing menstrual cramps.  

Reduce Stress when on menstrual cycle

While most people may find this point impractical, reducing stress during your menstrual cycle is critical. Taking deliberate steps to reduce stress levels during this time is necessary because stress increases the level of menstrual pains. Use stress-relieving techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or any other stress-relieving techniques that you find to be more effective than the ones listed above.


The menstrual cycle period should not be the most dreadful, unpleasant time of the month that we all wish we could avoid. This time can be blissful if you make an effort to support your body in the three ways we mentioned above. As a result, take the time to take better care of your body and see the difference it can make.

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